Festivals Unlocked Travelling Exhibition
A travelling exhibition about Chinese festivals and the values they embody.
“Festivals Unlocked” is an exhibition that brings new perspectives to six age-old Chinese festivals – Chinese New Year, Qingming, Duanwu, Zhongyuan, Mid-Autumn, and Winter Solstice. Each festival and the values they embody are brought to life through a locker, inviting students to “unlock” surprising origins and distinctive practices behind each festival. Beyond legends and fun facts, personal stories contributed by students reflect the diverse ways in which each festival is celebrated by Singapore Chinese families. Exhibition texts are in English and Chinese. An area of 25m2 will be ideal for the exhibition, with a recommended two weeks display period at each campus. Co-organised by Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre, Nan Chiau High School, and Nanyang Girls’ High School.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
Learn about the distinctiveness of Singapore Chinese culture
Experience a new way of learning out of the classroom
Target Audience: Primary 1- P6 students, Secondary 1- 4/5 students, Post Secondary (JC/ Poly/ ITE)
Runtime: All year round
Fee: Complimentary
Modality: In-person
Duration of Session: Recommended 3 weeks
Relevant Commemorative Days: Total Defence Day, International Friendship Day, Racial Harmony Day, National Day
Website: Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre
Mode of Registration: By email.
Due Date for registration: Please email us to find out how to bring this exhibition to your school.
Contact: education@singaporeccc.org.sg

A mock-up of the exhibition