Seed Kindness Fund
Singapore Kindness Movement
Seed Kindness Fund
Want to achieve a more gracious society by encouraging everyone to start, show and spread kindness? The Seed Kindness Fund (SKF) supports kindness community projects by youths aged 13-26 years old. SKF funds up to a $1,000 for each project that makes a positive difference in Singapore’s society. Each project will receive 60% of funds upon approval, and the remaining 40% of funds after the project is completed.
Students can choose to unleash their own creative ideas or support and take up our partners’ project briefs. Our partners include the National Library Board, Cyber Security Agency, National Council of Social Services, Land Transport Authority, Media Literacy Council, Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, Housing Development Board, and FairPrice.
Armed with a project idea and an implementation plan, submit an application for the Seed Kindness Fund. Complete and download the project proposal template and application form from
Learning Objectives
The Seed Kindness Fund is an opportunity for students to take ownership of their contributions to the community through Values in Action (VIA). Students learn to implement a project from scratch and have the freedom to come up with their own kindness projects in VIA.
Target Audience Secondary 1 - 4/5, Post-Secondary (JC/Poly/ITE)
Runtime: All year round
Fee: Complimentary
Modality: Hybrid
Duration of Session: For schools/students to determine
Capacity: Individuals and groups may apply.
Mode of Registration: By email
Due Date for registration: At least one month in advance (of project start date)

“With SKM’s partnership, students have gained invaluable experiences working with the different community groups. They have also learnt about and fostered kindness and inclusivity in the community as they executed these projects. We are very grateful for this opportunity to work with you and your team.”
– Polytechnic Lecturer