BE SURE with Fake News
Be S.U.R.E. with Fake News
This workshop aims to equip students with information literacy skills in the digital age. By leveraging on NLB’s S.U.R.E. (Source, Understand, Research, Evaluate) steps, students will learn how to become more proficient in discerning online information and media sources, ranging from fake news to scams.
This workshop can be conducted either physically or digitally. Participants are recommended to have their smartphones or PLDs as they will be engaged with activities conducted via the Kahoot! platform.
Learning Objectives
Students will learn about the characteristics and prevalence of misinformation, recognise tell-tale signs of misinformation and scams, and apply the S.U.R.E. steps when coming across suspicious content.
Target Audience: Primary 5 - 6 students, Secondary 1 - 4/5 students
Runtime: All year round
Fee: Complimentary
Modality: In-person, Virtual
Duration of Session: 1 hour
Mode of Registration: By email
Capacity: Minimum 200 pax
Relevant Commemorative Days: Total Defence Day
Due Date for registration: By email (1 month in advance)
Kahoot! is used to engage the students and test their knowledge throughout the workshop. (Credit: CHIJ St Joseph’s Convent, 2023)
The workshop is also available in digital format with interactive elements for students (Credit: SOTA, 2021)