Student Guide Training Programme
Training students to be junior guides to lead others on a tour of the SINGAPO人 exhibition.
What does it take for your students to be great museum guides? Join us on this programme, where students learn guiding techniques and strategies to build an audience.
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
Learn about the distinctiveness of Singapore Chinese culture
Work as a team to lead peers around the exhibition
Target Audience: Secondary 1- 4/5 students, Post Secondary (JC/ Poly/ ITE)
Runtime: All year round
Fee: Please email for more details
Modality: In-person
Duration of Session: 8 hours (4 sessions)
Capacity: Min. 10 pax, Max 20 pax
Relevant Commemorative Days: Total Defence Day, International Friendship Day, Racial Harmony Day, National Day
Website: Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre
How to register? Online through website link, or register here
Due Date for registration: 5 weeks in advance

Anglican High School students practising with their friends

Anglican High School students devised games to engage their friends