Asian Civilisations Musuem
What was life in Southeast Asia like in the past? Your students will be guided by this question as they journey with a mythical Makara to discover stories about objects in ACM. This programme is aligned with the Primary 6 Character and Citizenship Education and Social Studies syllabi, and jointly designed with MOE. Travel to different time periods in Southeast Asia to explore what trade was like and learn about ways of life in the region. For MOE schools only.
Students will go through 6 stations guided by Museum Educators in a soapbox style.
Learning Objectives
What was life in Southeast Asia like in the past? Your students will be guided by this question as they journey with a mythical Makara to discover stories about objects in ACM. This programme is aligned with the Primary 6 Character and Citizenship Education and Social Studies syllabi, and jointly designed with MOE. Travel to different time periods in Southeast Asia to explore what trade was like and learn about ways of life in the region.
Target Audience: Primary P6 students
Runtime: All year round
Fee: $8 per student (excluding GST)
Modality: In-person
Duration of Session: 2 hours
Capacity: Max 120 students (split into 6 groups) per session. Schools may be combined.
Relevant Commemorative Days: International Friendship Day, Racial Harmony Day, National Day
Mode of registration: Online through website link
Due Date for registration: 42 days in advance
Museum Educator engaging Primary 6 students at Museum-based Learning Programme
“Love the story-telling concept and also the activity booklet.”
-Primary 6 student
“The most memorable moment was when I got to see real objects from the past.”
-Primary 6 student
“I liked how the educators were very engaging in telling us the stories and how they manage to answer our questions.”
-Primary 6 teacher