NParks: Responsible Pet Ownership
Students will learn what it takes to be a good pet owner and why only certain types of animals should be kept as pets. They will also get to observe a demonstration of cleaning, feeding and grooming for various pet animals, and understand the importance of caring for a pet collectively as a household. For the Show & Tell, AVS staff will visit schools with our animal ambassadors.
For the Learning Journey at Jacob Ballas Children's Garden, students will visit the animal classroom and meet the animal ambassadors that are currently in the care of staff from the Animal & Veterinary Service (AVS).
Through our educational programmes, students will learn about how they can contribute to a sustainable urban ecosystem where humans and animals live in harmony.
Learning Objectives
Our RPO programmes equip existing and potential pet owners with knowledge about the care and responsibility needed for responsible pet ownership.
Target Audience: Primary 1 - 6 students
Runtime: Only available on Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, excluding public holidays
Fee: Complimentary
Modality: In-person
Mode of Registration: By email
Capacity: email for more info
Due Date for registration: 1 month in advance